

Domestic violence, health inequities and crime rates on radar

Posted on 5/10/2024
As its annual State Conference comes to a close in Coffs Harbour, members of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW have endorsed more than 25 motions across sectors such as health, law and order, education, transport and the environment...


Rural crime, affordable housing, health reform on the agenda for CWA of NSW’s annual conference

Posted on 4/30/2024
Members from around the state will assemble in Coffs Harbour this month for the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW’s annual conference. About 600 members are expected to attend this year’s conference from 6th–9th May at the C.ex Coffs club...


Passionate volunteers the backbone of iconic Tea Room

Posted on 3/22/2024
CWA of NSW members are packing their bags in preparation for the Association’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the running of the Sydney Royal Easter Show Tea Room, which will return more than $100,000 to the Association...


New crime figures for regional NSW fuel CWA of NSW’s push for state inquiry

Posted on 3/15/2024
With new figures released this week emphasising the growing gap between crime rates in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in NSW, CWA of NSW has renewed its call for a state parliamentary inquiry into rural and regional crime...


CWA halls helps address challenges of remote working and learning

Posted on 9/27/2023
Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW halls around the state are being transformed into collaborative work spaces as part of $400,000 in funding from the NSW Government, with the first official launches taking place this week...


Neurodiversity and challenges in regional areas focus of CWA Awareness Week

Posted on 9/1/2023
With an increase in the number of adults being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the subsequent impact on diagnosis and treatment services and support, the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW will...


Better health outcomes, education opportunities top priority list at CWA’s State Conference

Posted on 5/8/2023
As its annual State Conference prepares to wrap up in Bathurst, members of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW are calling for a boost to the ranks of overseas nurses to help alleviate shortages in rural and regional areas...


Bathurst prepares to welcome CWA of NSW conference delegates for week of policy discussion

Posted on 5/3/2023
Members from around the state will come together in Bathurst this month for the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW’s annual conference...


Government must not gamble with rich agriculture region through ongoing mining exploration

Posted on 4/20/2023
The NSW Government must rule out further Coal Seam Gas (CSG) exploration on the Liverpool Plains to ensure long-term protection for the agriculturally-significant region of North-West NSW, says the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW...


Inland Rail review confirms mismanagement, poor planning

Posted on 4/13/2023
AThe findings of an independent review into the Inland Rail project have vindicated concerns voiced by many landholders and communities along the route, says the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW, but they can take no satisfaction...